Purple Victorian Corset, 1880 One-Layered Corset


One-layered cotton satin corset with satin boning channels. Plastic/steel boning per choice. Measurements list to be sent after purchase

A lightweight, one-layered purple corset with light pink boning channels. Made after period fashion, Victorian corset recreates the most popular mid-19th century female silhouette – the hourglass. The corset, when made with steel boning, has sufficient waist reducing abilities. It can be used as an undergarnment for forming graceful feminine shape for 1860s – 1880s period clothing. Can be worn separately as a part of Victorian, lolita or cabaret costume as well.

The corset is to be individually tailored after your measurements. It’s made of 100% cotton as a basic layer, the rose channels are made of slightly shining satin fabric . It closes on a back lacing and central busk clasp. Recommend choosing plastic boning option for sizes XS and S, steel boning option for sizes M, L, XL+. The model on photo is of L size and has steel boning in the corset. Steel boning is also recommended for sufficient (more than 2 inches) waist reduction.

A custom copy of colours and materials can be made after request


Plastic boning, Steel boning


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