Natural Form Wedding Gown, 1880s Vanilla Wedding Dress, Off White Victorian Ball Gown, 1880s Victorian Wedding Gown


Natural form period dress, will work well for 1880s events and weddings. Bodice is corsetted and has boning, made to enforce the lines of feminine silhouette. Elaborate skirt with lots of pleating and gentle white lace. Vanilla colour taffeta and white lace will make a great choice for off-white wedding


This natural form era wedding dress was inspired by “The Age of Innocence” (1993) movie by Martin Scorsese. Its forms and lines reminiscent of late 1870s – early 1880s graceful silhouettes. Gentle vanilla colour and white laces makes it suitable for bride, though it can be used as a special occasion ball gown too.

The dress consists of the bodice and skirt. The bodice is lined with coton and has boning. The costume is designed to be worn with proper period undergarnments (bustle or ‘omar tail’, corset and petticoat), though will look well without them too.

You may find a suitable petticoat here, and see for the corset here.

Costume copy of different materials and different colours is available


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