Gone with the Wind Rose Dress, 1860s Ball Gown, Victorian Crinoline Dress


Will be individually tailored for you! Gentle colour period dress, exceptional historical outfit for the dancing events. The gown consists of bodice, 7-layered rose skirt with plain white cotton lining. The bodice is laced on back and decorated with three bows, layers of lace and main rose fabric. It also has small sleeves. Fluffy rose volants and ruffles are decorated by the same fabric trim, which make alltogether an impression of endless shady rose waves. The bodice is attached to the skirt with small buttons to prevent their separation while raising arms dancing.

This dress is done after original 1860s paterns and can be worn as a ball or evening gown for the mid 19th century events. Fluffy rose volants and ruffles are decorated by the same fabric trim, which make alltogether an impression of endless shady rose waves.

The outfit consists of bodice, 7-layered rose skirt with plain white cotton lining. The bodice is laced on back and decorated with three bows, layers of lace and main rose fabric. It also has small sleeves. The bodice is attached to the skirt with small buttons to prevent their separation while raising arms dancing.

The gown is designed to be worn over historical undergarnments: corset, hoopskirt, fluffy petticoat. But if not having any, the bodice can be done tougher (with waist reduction). Please mind that hoopskirt is not included!

The item is to be custom tailored. Costume copy of different materials and different colours is available


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